Sacrificial generosity is first an act of worship. The giving of our finances strengthens our commitment to Jesus and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God has given us. We trust in Him and His provision instead of our own resources. We believe God has been abundantly generous to us. As our lives are being transformed by Him, we can’t help but be generous in return.
Give Online
Cash or Check
Text to Give
Please make checks payable to DOXA Bible Church. You will have an opportunity to give checks or cash during any of our weekend gatherings.
Text the dollar amount you want to give (for example $100) to 84321 to give. You will be directed to set up an account and select Doxa Bible Church with your first text (Standard message & data rates may apply).
Advance Initiative
This year's end-of-year giving will be directed toward helping us advance the gospel Here, Near, and Far. Here, at DOXA we are aiming to reduce the amount of debt on our mortgage so we can leverage more resources to make disciples within our expanding church family. Through our Near Initiative we want to financially invest resources into the launching of our Indian/Pakistani Church Plant (Christ International Church). We hope to see this church launched in 2025. Our Far Initiative is to send financial relief to our ministry partner (Kyampisi Childcare Ministries) in Uganda, as they minister to the vulnerable children within their community. For more information about Pastor Peter's ministry, please click this link. Please prayerfully consider an end-of-year love offering that will help us see the gospel advance even further through our church family.